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Journal Papers


  • T. Mahmood, A. Tonmoy, C. Sevart, Y. Wang, Y. Ling*, “Data-driven modeling of the aerodynamic deformation and drag for a freely moving drop in the sub-critical Weber number regime”, under revision by International Journal of Multiphase Flow. arXiv:2405.00897

  • Y. Ling*, L. Jiang, “A detailed numerical investigation of two-phase flows inside a planar flow-blurring atomizer”, Atomization and Sprays, 34, 1-20 (2024). arXiv:2311.08501

  • B. Boyd*, S. Becker, Y. Ling, “Simulation and modeling of the vaporization of a freely moving and deforming drop at low to moderate Weber numbers”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 218, 124735 (2024). arXiv:2305.05160


  • Y. Ling*, T. Mahmood, “Detailed numerical investigation of the drop aerobreakup at moderate Weber numbers”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 972, A28 (2023). arXiv:2305.00124

  • B. Boyd, Y. Ling*, “A consistent volume-of-fluid approach for direct numerical simulation of the aerodynamic breakup of a vaporizing drop”, Computers and Fluids, 254, 105807 (2023). arXiv:2211.16628


  • H. Tran, Z. He, J. Sakakeeny, Y. Ling, M. Pack*, “Oscillation dynamics of drops on immiscible thin liquid films”, Langmuir 38,1243-1251 (2022). 

  • B. Zhang, Y. Ling*, “Direct numerical simulation of compressible interfacial multiphase flows using a mass-momentum-energy consistent volume- of-fluid method”, Computers and Fluids 236, 105267 (2022). arXiv:2311.08510

  • J. L. Estivalezes, W. Aniszewski, F. Auguste, Y. Ling, L. Osmar, J. P. Caltagirone, L. Chirco, A. Pedrono, S. Popinet, A. Berlemont, J. Magnaudet, T. Menard, S. Vincent, S. Zaleski, “A phase inversion benchmark for multiscale multiphase flows”, Journal of Computational Physics, 450, 110810 (2022). arXiv:1906.02655



  • J. Sakakeeny, C. Deshpande, S. Deb, J. L. Alvarado, Y. Ling*, “A model to predict the oscillation frequency for drops pinned on a vertical planar surface”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 928, A28 (2021). arXiv:2311.08515

  • D. Jiang and Y. Ling*, “Impact of inlet gas turbulence on the formation, development, and breakup of interfacial waves in a two-phase mixing layer”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 921, A15 (2021). arXiv:2311.08517

  • J. Sakakeeny, Y. Ling*, “Numerical study of natural oscillations of supported drops with free and pinned contact lines”, Physics of Fluids, 33, 062109 (2021). arXiv:2311.08520

  • W. Aniszewski, T. Arrufat, M. Crialesi-Esposito, S. Dabiri, D. Fuster, Y. Ling, J. Lu, L. Malan, S. Pal, R. Scardovelli, G. Tryggvason, P. Yecko, S. Zaleski, “PArallel, Robust, Interface Simulator (PARIS)”, Computer Physics Communications 263, 107849 (2021). arXiv:2012.11744


  • J. Sakakeeny, Y. Ling*, “Natural oscillations of a sessile drop on flat surfaces with mobile contact lines”, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 123604 (2020). arXiv:2012.12734

  • T. Arrufat, M. Crialesi-Esposito, D. Fuster, Y. Ling, L. Malan, S. Pal, R. Scardovelli, G. Tryggvason, and S. Zaleski*, “”, Computers and Fluids 215, 104785 (2020). arXiv:1811.12327

  • B. Zhang, Y. Ling*, “Modeling and detailed numerical simulation of the primary breakup of a gasoline surrogate jet under non-evaporative oper- ating conditions”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 130, 103362 (2020). arXiv:2003.07553

  • J. Y. Lichtenberg, Y. Ling, S. Kim*, “Numerical analysis of a trapezoidal microchannel for hydrodynamic detachment of cells”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 9, 1473–1477 (2020).


  • B. Zhang, Y. Ling*, P.-H. Tsai, A.-B. Wang, S. Popinet, and S. Zaleski, “Short-term oscillation and falling dynamics for a water drop dripping in quiescent air”, Physical Review Fluids 4, 123604 (2020). arXiv:2003.07785

  • D. Jiang and Y. Ling*, “Destabilization of a planar liquid stream by a co- flowing turbulent gas stream”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 122, 103121 (2019).

  • J. Y. Lichtenberg, Y. Ling, S. Kim, “Non-specific adsorption reduction methods in biosensing”, Sensors 19, 2488 (2019). (The paper was selected by the editors as the cover of the issue.)

  • L. C. Malan, Y. Ling, R. Scardovelli, A. Llor and S. Zaleski*, “Direct Numerical Simulations of pore competition in idealized micro-spall using the VOF method”, Computers and Fluids 189, 60-72 (2019). arXiv:1711.04561


  • Y. Ling, D. Fuster, G. Tryggvason, and S. Zaleski, “A two-phase mixing layer between parallel gas and liquid streams: multiphase turbulence statistics and influence of interfacial instability”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 859, 268–307 (2019). arXiv:1808.01996

  • Y. Ling, S. Balachandar, “Asymptotic scaling laws and semi-similarity solutions for a finite-source spherical blast wave”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 850, 674–707 (2018). 

  • Y. Ling, S. Balachandar, “Simulation and scaling analysis of a spherical particle-laden blast wave,” Shock Waves 28, 545–558 (2018).


  • Y. Ling, D. Fuster, G. Tryggvason, S. Zaleski, "Spray formation in a quasiplanar gas-liquid mixing layer at moderate density ratios: A numerical closeup," Physical Review Fluids 2, 014005 (2017). arXiv:1511.04234

  • Y. Ling, J.-M. Fullana, S. Popinet, and C. Josserand, “Droplet migration in a Hele--Shaw microchannel: Effect of the lubrication film on the droplet dynamics,” Physics of Fluids 28, 062001 (2016). arXiv:1601.06976

  • Y. Ling, S. Balachandar, and M. Parmar, “Inter-phase heat transfer and energy coupling in dispersed multiphase flows,” Physics of Fluids 28, 033304 (2016).

  • Y. Ling, S. Zaleksi, and R. Scardovelli, “Multi-scale simulation of atomization with small drops represented by Lagrangian point-particle model,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow 76, 122-143 (2015).

  • S. Annamalai, M. Parmar, Y. Ling, and S. Balachandar, “Nonlinear Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a cylindrical interface in explosion flows,” Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of ASME 136, 060910 (2014).

  • Y. Ling, M. Parmar, and S. Balachandar, “A scaling analysis of added-mass and history forces and their coupling in dispersed multiphase flows,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow 57, 102-114 (2013).

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, S. Balachandar, F. M. Najjar, and D. S. Stewart, “Shock interaction with a deformable particle: Direct numerical simulation and point-particle modeling,” Journal of Applied Physics 113, 013504 (2013).

  • Y. Ling, J. L. Wagner, S. J. Beresh, S. P. Kearney, and S. Balachandar, “Interaction of a planar shock wave with a dense particle curtain: Modeling and experiments,” Physics of Fluids 24, 113301 (2012).

(Before 2011)

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Importance of unsteady contributions to force and heating for particles in compressible flows. Part 2: Application to particle dispersal by blast wave,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow 37, 1013-1025 (2011).

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Importance of unsteady contributions to force and heating for particles in compressible flows. Part 1: Modeling and analysis for shock-particle interaction,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow 37, 1026-1044 (2011).

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “A numerical source of small-scale number-density fluctuations in Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations of multiphase flows,” Journal of Computational Physics 229,1828-1851 (2010). 

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Transient phenomena in    one-dimensional compressible gas-particle flows,” Shock Waves 19, 67-81 (2009).

  • C. Wan, Y. Ling, Z. Shen, and S. Ma, “Numerical simulation of supersonic flow     structure in opposed jet mill,” China Powder Science and Technology 13, 23-25 (2007). 

  • X. Zhao, M. Wang, Y. Ling, Z. Shen and Y. Xing, “Experimental investigation on improving the AO-resistant characteristics of epoxy resin of spacecraft filled with Nano-SiO2,” The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering z1, (2004).

Conference Papers/Presentations


  • Y. Ling and B. Zhang, “Conservative, Consistent All-Mach Method to Simulate Liquid Atomization in Supersonic Flows,” Proceeding of 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Virtual 2021).

  • T. Mahmood, Y. Ling, “Effects of Reynolds number on Aerobreakup of Viscous Drops,” Proceeding of 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Virtual 2021).

  • D. Jiang, Y. Ling, “Simulation and Characterization of Interfacial Wave Breakup in Airblast Atomization,” Proceeding of 15th Triennial Inter- national Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Virtual 2021).

  • Y. Ling and B. Zhang, “A Mass-Momentum-Energy Consistent Volume- of-Fluid Method for Direct Numerical Simulation of Compressible Inter- facial Multiphase Flows,” FEDSM2021-65907, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, (Virtual, 2021).

  • Y. Ling and B. Zhang, “High-fidelity simulation of primary breakup of a “Spray G” gasoline jet with an adaptive mesh refinement and volume-of- fluid method,” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0826, 2020.

  • J. Sakakeeny, Y. Ling, “Resonance oscillation frequency of sessile drops on hydrophobic surfaces,” ASME ICNMM-SHTC-FEDSM Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, 2020).

  • B. Zhang, Y. Ling, “Impact of the injection angle on the primary breakup of a gasoline jet and the spray statistics,” ASME ICNMM-SHTC-FEDSM Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, 2020).

  • D. Jiang, Y. Ling, D. Fuster, S. Zaleski, G. Tryggvasson, “Manipulat- ing gas-assisted atomization by inlet gas turbulence,” American Physical Society 72nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Seattle, Washington, 2019).

  • B. Zhang, Y. Ling, “Asymmetric primary breakup of a round liquid jet with non-zero injection angle,” American Physical Society 72nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Seattle, Washington, 2019).

  • S. Zaleski, Y. Ling, D. Fuster, G. Tryggvasson, “Analysis of the statistics of droplet sizes in atomization,” American Physical Society 72nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Seattle, Washington, 2019).

  • Y. Ling, W. Shang, and J. Chen, “Detailed numerical simulation of two impinging jets with moderate injection velocities,” ASME - JSME - KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2019 (San Francisco, CA, 2019).

  • D. Jiang, L. Jiang, and Y. Ling, “Numerical investigation of internal flow in flow-blurring atomizers,” ASME - JSME - KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2019 (San Francisco, CA, 2019).

  • D. Jiang, S. Zaleski, G. Tryggvason, Y. Ling, “Impact of Inlet Gas Turbulent Intensity on the Characteristics of Droplets Generated in Airblast Atomization,” AIAA Paper 2019-3721, AIAA Aviation 2019 (Dallas, Texas, USA, 2019). (We won the “Most Quantitatively Descriptive Flow Visualization Award” in the 3rd Flow Visualization Showcase.)

  • J. Sakakeeny, S. McClain, Y. Ling, “Simulations of Thin Film Dynamics on a Flat Plate and an Airfoil,” SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-1938, 2019.

  • D. Jiang, L. Jiang, Y. Ling, “Numerical investigation of air bubbles formation and internal flows in flow-blurring atomizers and its impact on liquid breakup,” ILASS-Americas 30th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Tempe, Arizona, USA, 2019).

  • Y. Ling, J. Sakakeeny, X. Li, S. Popinet, and J. Alvarado, “Oscillation of a Sessile Drop on Hydrophobic/Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” ILASS- Americas 30th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Tempe, Arizona, USA, 2019).

  • B. Zhang, Y. Ling, “High-Fidelity Modeling and Simulation of Primary Breakup of a Gasoline Surrogate Jet,” ILASS-Americas 30th Annual Con- ference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Tempe, Arizona, USA, 2019).

  • D. Jiang, S. Zaleski, G. Tryggvason, Y. Ling, “Airblast atomization of a planar water jet assisted by a coflowing turbulent air stream,” Gallery of Atomization and Sprays, 14th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2018).

  • D. Jiang, S. Zaleski, G. Tryggvason, Y. Ling, “Effect of inlet gas turbulence on air-blast atomization,” Proceeding of 14th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2018). (D. Jiang won the student travel award with this paper.)

  • B. Zhang, G. Legros, S. Popinet, S. Zaleski, Y. Ling, “Effect of fuel viscosity on the atomization of diesel and biodiesel fuels from a single-hole pressure atomizer,” Proceeding of 14th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2018).

  • J. Sakakeeny, S. McClaiin, Y. Ling, “Direct Numerical Simulation of a Thin Film Over a NACA 0012 Airfoil,” AIAA Paper 2018–2857, AIAA Aviation 2018 (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2015).

  • D. Jiang, Y. Ling, “On the effect of inlet gas turbulence on air-blast atomization,” The Bluebonnet Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Sciences 2018 (Dallas, Texas, 2018).

  • B. Zhang, Y. Ling, “Oscillations of a falling drop dripped from a faucet,” The Bluebonnet Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Sciences 2018 (Dallas, Texas, 2018).


  • Y. Ling, D. Fuster, S. Zaleski, G. Tryggvasson, “Impact of Interfacial Instability on the Multiphase Turbulence Statistics in a Two-Phase Mixing Layer,” American Physical Society 70th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Denver, Colorado, 2017).

  • Y. Ling, “DNS of an Atomizing Biodiesel Jet with Basilisk,” Basilisk/Gerris Users’ Meeting 2017 (Princeton, New Jersey, 2017).

  • Y. Ling, G. Legros, S. Popinet, and S. Zaleski, “Direct numerical simula- tion of an atomizing biodiesel jet: Impact of fuel properties on atomization characteristics,” Proceeding of ILASS-Europe 2017, 28th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Valencia, Spain, 2017).

  • Y. Ling, “A Multiscale Strategy for Atomization Simulation: Combining Volume-of-Fluid Method and Lagrangian Point-Particle Model,” ASME 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (Waikoloa, Hawaii, 2017).

  • Y. Ling, D. Fuster, G. Tryggvasson, R. Scardovelli, S. Zaleski, “3D DNS of spray formation in gas-assisted atomization,” Proceeding of 24th Interna- tional Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Montr ́eal, Canada, 2016).

  • J.-M. Fullana, Y. Ling, S. Popinet, C. Josserand, “ Effect of the Lubrica- tion Film Dynamics on the Droplet Motion in a Hele-Shaw Microchannel,” 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (Firenze, Italy, 2016).

  • Y. Ling, S. Zaleski, D. Fuster, G. Tryggvasson, R. Scardovelli, “A Nu- merical Close-up on Spray Formation in a Gas-Liquid Mixing Layer,” 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (Firenze, Italy, 2016).

  • Y. Ling, S. Zaleski, G. Tryggvasson, D. Fuster, R. Scardovelli, M. Cenni and T. Arrufat, “DNS of coflowing planar jet atomization: can one reach convergence?,” American Physical Society 68th Annual Meeting of the Di- vision of Fluid Dynamics (Boston, Massachusetts, 2015).

  • Y. Ling, D. Fuster, G. Tryggvasson, R. Scardovelli and S. Zaleski, “Pri- mary breakup of planar coflowing gas and liquid sheets,” Gallery of Fluid Motion V0051, American Physical Society 68th Annual Meeting of the Di- vision of Fluid Dynamics (Boston, Massachusetts, 2015).

  • Y. Ling, J-M. Fullana, S. Popinet and C. Josserand, “Three-dimensional simulation of droplet migration in a Hele-Shaw microchannel,” American Physical Society 68th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Boston, Massachusetts, 2015).

  • S. Zaleski, D. Fuster, T. Arrufat, Y. Ling, M. Cenni, R. Scardovelli and G. Tryggvasson, “Realistic simulations of coaxial atomisation,” American Physical Society 68th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Boston, Massachusetts, 2015).

  • Y. Ling, T. Arrufat, D. Fuster, S. Zaleski, G. Tryggvasson, R. Scardovelli, "Turbulent Multiphase Flow Characteristics in Gas Assisted Atomization," Proceeding of 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Tainan, Taiwan, 2015).(Our paper is the second runner-up in the Tanasawa Award competition.)

  • J-M. Fullana, Y. Ling, S. Popinet and C. Josserand, “Droplet in micro-channels: a numerical approach using an adaptive two phase solver,” 1st Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics - PANACM 2015 (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015).

  • Y. Ling and S. Zaleski, “Multi-scale simulation of primary breakup in gas-assisted atomization,” AIAA Paper 2015–0420, AIAA SciTech 2015: 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (Kissimmee, Florida, 2015).

  • Y. Ling and S. Zaleski, “Multi-scale simulation of atomization with small drops represented by Lagrangian Point-Particle Model,” American Physi- cal Society 67th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (San Francisco, California, 2014)

  • Y. Ling and S. Zaleski, “Numerical investigation of spray formation and evolution in gas-assisted atomization,” Proceeding of ILASS-Europe 2014, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Bremen, Germany, 2014)

  • Y. Ling and S. Zaleski, “Atomization simulations by the Volume-of-Fluid method coupled with a Lagrangian point-particle model,” 2nd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows (Darmstadt, Germany, 2014).

  • Y. Ling, M. Parmar, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Point-particle approach for compressible particle-laden flows with shock waves,” Proceeding of European Mechanics Society Colloquium 555: Small-Scale Numerical Methods for Multi-Phase Flows (Pessac, France, 2013).

  • Y. Ling, M. Parmar, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Shock interaction with dilute and dense particle distributions: Theory, modeling, and validation,” Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (Jeju, Korea, 2013).

  • Y. Ling, M. Parmar, S. Annamalai, S. Balachandar, and D. L. Frost, Towards rigorous modeling of extreme compressible multiphase flows,” Minisymposium Session of High-Speed, High-Energy, and Multi-Material Flows, American Physical Society 65th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (San Diego, California, 2012)

(Before 2011)

  • B. Lieberthal, D. S. Stewart, J. B. Bdzil, F. M. Najjar, S. Balachandar, and Y. Ling, “Simulation of deformation, momentum and energy coupling particles deformed by intense shocks,” American Physical Society 64th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Baltimore, Maryland, 2011) 

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Importance of unsteady force and heating to particle dispersal by shock/detonation waves,” Proceeding of 17th Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (Chicago, Illinois, 2011).

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, Particle dispersal in rapid expanding gas flow: Importance of unsteady force and heat transfer,” American Physical Society 63th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Long Beach, California, 2010). 

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Compressibility and unsteady effects on particles in explosions,” Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (Tampa, Florida, 2010).

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, Numerical investigation of particle dispersal in multiphase explosions,” AIAA Paper 2010--768, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (Orlando, Florida, 2010).

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, “Modeling and simulation of explosive dispersal of particles in a multiphase explosion,” AIAA Paper 2009--1532, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (Orlando, Florida, 2009).  

  • Y. Ling, A. Haselbacher, and S. Balachandar, Simulation of explosive dispersion from compressed particle-gas suspension,” American Physical Society 61st Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (St Antonio, Texas, 2008).

  • A. Haselbacher, F. M. Najjar, S. Balachandar and Y. Ling, “Lagrangian simulations of shock-wave diffraction at a right-angled corner in a particle-laden gas,” Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (Leipzig, Germany, 2007).

© 2017 by Stanley Ling

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